> From: Amit Kapila <amit.kapil...@gmail.com>
> > I think we won't be able to use same snapshot because the transaction will
> > be committed.
> > In CreateSubscription() we can use the transaction snapshot from
> > walrcv_create_slot() till walrcv_disconnect() is called.(I am not sure
> > about this part maybe walrcv_disconnect() calls the commits internally ?).
> > So somehow we need to keep this snapshot alive, even after transaction
> > is committed(or delay committing the transaction , but we can have
> > CREATE SUBSCRIPTION with ENABLED=FALSE, so we can have a restart
> > before tableSync is able to use the same snapshot.)
> >
> Can we think of getting the table data as well along with schema via
> pg_dump? Won't then both schema and initial data will correspond to the
> same snapshot?

Right , that will work, Thanks!

> > I think we can have same issues as you mentioned New table t1 is added
> > to the publication , User does a refresh publication.
> > pg_dump / pg_restore restores the table definition. But before
> > tableSync can start,  steps from 2 to 5 happen on the publisher.
> > > 1. Create Table t1(c1, c2); --LSN: 90 2. Insert t1 (1, 1); --LSN 100
> > > 3. Insert t1 (2, 2); --LSN 110 4. Alter t1 Add Column c3; --LSN 120
> > > 5. Insert t1 (3, 3, 3); --LSN 130
> > And table sync errors out
> > There can be one more issue , since we took the pg_dump without
> snapshot (wrt to replication slot).
> >
> To avoid both the problems mentioned for Refresh Publication, we can do
> one of the following: (a) create a new slot along with a snapshot for this
> operation and drop it afterward; or (b) using the existing slot, establish a
> new snapshot using a technique proposed in email [1].

Thanks, I think option (b) will be perfect, since we don’t have to create a new 


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