On 2023-04-11 Tu 14:25, Aleksander Alekseev wrote:

While playing with a new single board computer (VisionFive 2) I
discovered that postgresql:unsafe_tests suite fails like this:

2023-04-11 14:58:57.844550612 +0000
     2023-04-11 17:54:22.999024391 +0000
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
  CREATE ROLE "current_user";
  CREATE ROLE "session_user";
  CREATE ROLE "user";
+ERROR:  role "user" already exists
  RESET client_min_messages;
  CREATE ROLE current_user; -- error
  ERROR:  CURRENT_USER cannot be used as a role name here
@@ -1089,4 +1090,5 @@
  DROP OWNED BY regress_testrol0, "Public", "current_role",
"current_user", regress_testrol1, regress_testrol2, regress_testrolx
  DROP ROLE regress_testrol0, regress_testrol1, regress_testrol2,
  DROP ROLE "Public", "None", "current_role", "current_user",
"session_user", "user";
+ERROR:  current user cannot be dropped
  DROP ROLE regress_role_haspriv, regress_role_nopriv;

This happens because the developers of this SBC choose the default
username "user", which I had no reason to change.

Test merely checks that we can distinguish a username "user" from the
USER keyword. Maybe it's worth replacing "user" with "system_user"? It
is also a keyword but is a less likely choice for the OS user name.

I don't think we can protect against all possible user names. Wouldn't it be better to run the tests under an OS user with a different name, like "marmaduke"? ("user" is a truly terrible default user name).



Andrew Dunstan

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