On 10/13/17 19:01, Tom Lane wrote:
>> Moving on to the exact color of the bikeshed: it seems like the right
>> way to present this to users of CREATE AGGREGATE is in terms of "does
>> the final function modify the transition state?".  So maybe the values
>> could be spelled
>> SMODIFY = READ_ONLY   ffunc never touches state, ok as window agg
>> SMODIFY = SHARABLE    ffunc does some one-time change like sorting,
>>                       so state merging is OK but not window agg
>> SMODIFY = READ_WRITE  ffunc trashes state, can't do merging either
>> I'm not set on these names by any means; anyone have a better idea?

Is "sharable" the preferred spelling, as opposed to "shareable"?

Peter Eisentraut              http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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