Isaac Morland <> writes:
> That being said, this is a database column result and I agree it would look
> more elegant if the blank line in the display were not there.

Yeah, that would basically be the argument for editorializing on libxml2's
result.  It's a weak argument, but not entirely without merit.

> I might go so
> far as to change the psql display routines to not leave a blank line after
> the content in the event it ends with a newline.

psql has *no* business changing what it displays: if what came from the
server has a trailing newline, that had better be made visible.  Even if
we thought it was a good idea, it's about 25 years too late to reconsider
that.  However, xmlserialize()'s new indenting behavior isn't set in
stone yet, so we could contemplate chomping newlines within that.

                        regards, tom lane

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