On 2023-04-24 Mo 03:08, Hayato Kuroda (Fujitsu) wrote:
Dear David,

It is great to make sure each file has the Copyright and I see this
patch has already been committed.
While checking more, I was surprised because I found many files which do not
have Copyright via " grep -Lr Copyright --exclude-dir .git ..." command.
I'm not sure whether it is expected, but all sql files in src/test/regress/sql 
many files in contrib do not have. Do you know something about it?

Just curious, is there a rule to add Copyright to Postgres?
Sorry, I'm not sure about it. Before submitting a patch I have checked the
manual that "PostgreSQL Coding Conventions", but I could not find any.

For example,
if I run a command `grep -rn Copyright --include="*.pl" | awk -F ':'
{'print $2, $1'} | sort -nr` inside postgres/src/bin, It seems most
Copyright were added to the second line, but these two were added to the
very beginning (of course, there are three other files following this
pattern as well).
There seems a tendency that Copyright for recently added files have added it to
the very beginning, but I can suspect from the result that there are no specific
rules about it.

$ grep -rn Copyright --include="*.pl" | awk -F ':' {'print $2'} | sort -nr | 
uniq -c
       1 753
       1 752
       1 717
      22 3
     158 2
      24 1

I suspect many of those came from the last time I did this, at commit 8fa6e6919c.

IIRC I added "\nCopyright...\n\n" at line 1 unless that was a "#!" line, in which case I added it after line 1 (it was done via a sed script IIRC)

I think since then perltidy has dissolved some of the extra blank lines added at the end.

I don't think we actually have a rule about it, but the pattern I described doesn't seem unreasonable.



Andrew Dunstan

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