On Tue, May 09, 2023 at 02:12:44PM +0000, gkokola...@pm.me wrote:
> Thank you both for looking. A small consolation is that now there are
> tests for this case.

+1, noticing that was pure luck ;)

Worth noting that the patch posted in [1] has these tests, not the
version posted in [2].

+    create_sql   => 'INSERT INTO dump_test.test_compression_method (col1) '
+      . 'SELECT string_agg(a::text, \'\') FROM generate_series(1,4096) a;',

Yep, good and cheap idea to check for longer chunks.  That should be
enough to loop twice.


> Moving on to the other open item for this, please find attached v2
> of the patch as requested.

Did you notice the comments of [3] about the second patch that aims to
add the null termination in the line from the LZ4 fgets() callback?

[3]: https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/zfhcyn4gm2eu6...@paquier.xyz

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