On Thu, May 18, 2023, at 08:00, Joel Jacobson wrote:
> 1. How about adding a `WITHOUT QUOTE` or `QUOTE NONE` option in conjunction
> with `COPY ... WITH CSV`?

More ideas:
[ QUOTE 'quote_character' | UNQUOTED ]
[ QUOTE 'quote_character' | NO_QUOTE ]

Thinking about it, I recall another hack;
specifying a non-existing char as the delimiter to force the entire line into a
single column table. For that use-case, we could also provide an option that
would internally set:

    delimc = '\0';

How about:

[DELIMITER 'delimiter_character' | UNDELIMITED ]
[DELIMITER 'delimiter_character' | NO_DELIMITER ]
or it should be more use-case-based and intuitive:
[DELIMITER 'delimiter_character' | WHOLE_LINE_AS_RECORD ]


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