
I'm Yuzuko Hosoya. This is my first PostgreSQL project participation.

I have been developing partitioning advisor prototype with Julien Rouhaud.
It will be a new feature of HypoPG[1], which is a PostgreSQL extension, and
will help partitioning design tuning.  Currently, HypoPG only supports index
design tuning; it allows users to define hypothetical indexes for real tables 
shows resulting queries' plan/cost with EXPLAIN as if they were actually 
Since declarative partitioning will be greatly improved in PostgreSQL 11 and 
versions, there are emerging needs to support partitioning design tuning. This 
why we are working on partitioning advisor.  We plan to release the first 
of partitioning advisor for PostgreSQL 11, and then, improve it for PostgreSQL 

Overview of partitioning advisor
- Partitioning advisor allows users to define multiple hypothetical partitioning
  schemes on real tables and real data
- PostgreSQL can show resulting queries' plan/cost with EXPLAIN using 
  partitioning schemes
Users can quickly check how their queries would behave if some tables were 
partitioned, and try different partitioning schemes (for instance, to optimize 
queries efficiency Vs. maintenance efficiency).

Partitioning advisor works as follows:

0. Consider this target table, t1
    #= CREATE TABLE t1 (a int, b text);
    #= INSERT INTO t1 SELECT i, 'test' FROM generate_series(1,299) i ;
          QUERY PLAN
   Seq Scan on t1  (cost=0.00..4.99 rows=299 width=9)
   (1 row)

1. Partition the target table hypothetically
    #= SELECT * FROM hypopg_partition_table('t1','partition by range(a)');
   The hypopg_partition_table() defines hypothetical range partitioned table 
   by the partition key 'a' and stores these information into backend local 

2. Create hypothetical partitions
    #= SELECT * FROM hypopg_add_partition('t1_1','partition of t1 for values 
from (1) to (100)');
    #= SELECT * FROM hypopg_add_partition('t1_2','partition of t1 for values 
from (100) to (300)');
   The hypopg_add_partition() defines hypothetical partitions t1_1 and t1_2 
   to their bounds 'from (1) to (100)' and 'from (100) to (300)' respectively, 
and stores 
   these information into backend local memory.

3. PostgreSQL can show resulting queries' plan/cost with EXPLAIN
                        QUERY PLAN
   Append  (cost=0.00..7.49 rows=299 width=9)
     ->  Seq Scan on t1 t1_1  (cost=0.00..1.99 rows=99 width=9)
     ->  Seq Scan on t1 t1_2  (cost=0.00..4.00 rows=200 width=9)
   (3 rows)
  PostgreSQL retrieves hypothetical partitioning schemes from HypoPG.
  And then if the referred table is defined as hypothetical partitioned table, 
  PostgreSQL creates plans using them.

This is a simple example. In addition, it enables us to simulate range/list/hash
partitioning, partition pruning, N-way join and partition-wise 
It is already helpful for users to design partitioning schemes.

Current implementation
We mainly use get_relation_info_hook().  What we do in this hook is to inject
hypothetical partitioning schemes according to user definition.  At first, we do
all processes that are done at expand_inherited_tables().  Specifically, we 
expand root->simple_rte_array and root->parse->rtable, rewrite target 
table's RangeTblEntry as a partitioned table, and create RangeTblEntries and 
AppendRelInfos for all hypothetical partitions.  Besides that, we set 
partition's name into rte->alias->aliasname at this time to display hypothetical
partition's name with EXPLAIN.  And then, we rewrite RelOptInfo as needed.  
Specifically, we add partition information, which is set at 
to hypothetical partitioned tables, and set rel->tuples and rel->pages for 
hypothetical partitions.

However, PostgreSQL isn't designed to have hypothetical tables, so we have 
some problematic blockers for an implementation as follows.  We'd like to 
discuss these topics.

Topics of discussion
- Expanding partition's RTE
We have to do all processes which are done at expand_inherited_tables() for 
hypothetical partitions. But, since there are no hooks around here, we use 
get_relation_info_hook() as I mentioned above. In this case, we cannot simulate
update queries correctly, because inheritance_planner() which handles update 
queries is called before get_relation_info_hook().  Therefore, we'd like to see 
we could add a hook at expand_inherited_tables() to expand hypothetical 

- Showing hypothetical partition's name with EXPLAIN
We set hypothetical partition's name into rte->alias->aliasname as I mentioned
above.  In this case, it is displayed with original table name like this:
                        QUERY PLAN
    Append  (cost=0.00..7.49 rows=299 width=9)
      ->  Seq Scan on t1 t1_1  (cost=0.00..1.99 rows=99 width=9)
      ->  Seq Scan on t1 t1_2  (cost=0.00..4.00 rows=200 width=9)
    (3 rows)
t1 is an original table name and t1_* is hypothetical partition's name. 
we'd like to see if we could add a hook to get hypothetical partition's name 

- Estimating stats
It is complicated because hypothetical partition has no data.  Currently, we 
hypothetical partition's size using clauselist_selectivity() according to their 
bound and original table stats.  As a result, estimate is done with low 
especially if there is WHERE clause.  We will improve during developing, but 
for now, 
we don't have good ideas.

- Reducing extension's code
To define get_relation_info_hook, we have to copy/paste many static functions 
defined in core.  In addition, we have to slightly adapt some functions such as 
RelationGetPartitionDesc() and RelationGetPartitionKey() called from 
set_relation_partition_info(), which retrieve information from system catalogs. 
The reason why we have to adapt is that since objects defined by HypoPG
functions mentioned above doesn't exist in PostgreSQL system catalogs and are
not attached to any existing Relation, so we cannot call 
and RelationGetPartitionKey() as-is.  Specifically, we copy/paste and modify
set_relation_partition_info() and called functions (find_partition_scheme() and
set_baserel_partition_key_exprs()) to get hypothetical partition information.  
Therefore, we'd like to see if we could add hooks to 
to get hypothetical PartitionDesc/PartitionKey and change 
and set_baserel_partition_key_exprs() so that we use PartitionKey as the 
to these functions, not Relation.

For now, it's a working prototype, and we'd be happy to have some feedback.
And also, we'd be very interested if anyone has good ideas on how to solve the
problems we're facing, and how such a feature could be more integrated into the
core using some new hooks or with other infrastructures.

[1] https://github.com/HypoPG/hypopg

Best regards,
Yuzuko Hosoya
NTT Open Source Software Center

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