On 31/05/2023 15:47, Daniel Gustafsson wrote:
The SSL tests for pg_ctl restarts with an incorrect key passphrase run pg_ctl
manually and use the internal method _update_pid to set the server PID file
accordingly.  This is needed since $node->restart will BAIL in case the restart
fails, which clearly isn't useful to anyone wanting to test restarts.  This is
the only use of _update_pid outside of Cluster.pm.

To avoid this, the attached adds fail_ok functionality to restart() which makes
it easier to use it in tests, and aligns it with how stop() and start() works.
The resulting SSL tests are also more readable IMO.

Makes sense.

diff --git a/src/test/ssl/t/001_ssltests.pl b/src/test/ssl/t/001_ssltests.pl
index 76442de063..e33f648aae 100644
--- a/src/test/ssl/t/001_ssltests.pl
+++ b/src/test/ssl/t/001_ssltests.pl
@@ -85,10 +85,8 @@ switch_server_cert(
        passphrase_cmd => 'echo wrongpassword',
        restart => 'no');
-       [ 'pg_ctl', '-D', $node->data_dir, '-l', $node->logfile, 'restart' ],
-       'restart fails with password-protected key file with wrong password');
+$result = $node->restart(fail_ok => 1);
+is($result, 0, 'restart fails with password-protected key file with wrong 

In principle, this makes the tests more lenient. If "pg_ctl restart" fails because of a timeout, for example, the PID file could be present. Previously, the _update_pid(0) would error out on that, but now it's accepted. I think that's fine, but just wanted to point it out.

Heikki Linnakangas
Neon (https://neon.tech)

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