On Monday, May 28, 2018 4:37:06 AM CEST Yuriy Zhuravlev wrote:
> > Can't see getting rid of those entirely. None of the github style
> > platforms copes with reasonable complex discussions.
> I disagree. A good example of complex discussions on github is Rust
> language tracker for RFCs:
> https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/issues
> and one concrete example: https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/issues/2327
> I have no any problem with complex discussions on github.

It is indeed hard to follow on github, and would be even worse with bigger 
Email readers show threads in a hierarchical way, we can see who answered to 
who, discussions can fork to completely different aspects of an issue without 
being mixed together.

> Anyway, it's much better than tons of emails in your mailbox without tags
> and status of discussion.

A github thread does not show what I read / what I have to read, does it now ?

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