On 21.06.23 10:25, Amit Langote wrote:
I realized that the patch for the "other sql/json functions" part is
relatively straightforward and has no dependence on the "sql/json
query functions" part getting done first.  So I've made that one the
0001 patch.  The patch I posted in the last email is now 0002, though
it only has changes related to changing the order of the patch, so I
decided not to change the patch version marker (v1).

(I suggest you change the version number anyway, next time. There are plenty of numbers available.)

The 0001 patch contains a change to doc/src/sgml/keywords/sql2016-02-reserved.txt, which seems inappropriate. The additional keywords are already listed in the 2023 file, and they are not SQL:2016 keywords.

Another thing, I noticed that the SQL/JSON patches in PG16 introduced some nonstandard indentation in gram.y. I would like to apply the attached patch to straighten this out.
diff --git a/src/backend/parser/gram.y b/src/backend/parser/gram.y
index 39ab7eac0d..edb6c00ece 100644
--- a/src/backend/parser/gram.y
+++ b/src/backend/parser/gram.y
@@ -645,23 +645,20 @@ static Node *makeRecursiveViewSelect(char *relname, List 
*aliases, Node *query);
 %type <list>           hash_partbound
 %type <defelt>         hash_partbound_elem
+%type <node>   json_format_clause_opt
+                               json_value_expr
+                               json_output_clause_opt
+                               json_name_and_value
+                               json_aggregate_func
+%type <list>   json_name_and_value_list
+                               json_value_expr_list
+                               json_array_aggregate_order_by_clause_opt
+%type <ival>   json_encoding_clause_opt
+                               json_predicate_type_constraint
+%type <boolean>        json_key_uniqueness_constraint_opt
+                               json_object_constructor_null_clause_opt
+                               json_array_constructor_null_clause_opt
-%type <node>           json_format_clause_opt
-                                       json_value_expr
-                                       json_output_clause_opt
-                                       json_name_and_value
-                                       json_aggregate_func
-%type <list>           json_name_and_value_list
-                                       json_value_expr_list
-                                       json_array_aggregate_order_by_clause_opt
-%type <ival>           json_encoding_clause_opt
-                                       json_predicate_type_constraint
-%type <boolean>                json_key_uniqueness_constraint_opt
-                                       json_object_constructor_null_clause_opt
-                                       json_array_constructor_null_clause_opt
  * Non-keyword token types.  These are hard-wired into the "flex" lexer.

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