Hi all,

I’m a security engineer and I’m looking into restricting the set of allowed 
ciphers on Postgres and configure a concrete set of curves on our postgres 

I see in the source code that only TLS 1.2 and bellow cipher lists can be 


and Postgres relies on the OpenSSL defaults for TLS 1.3 ciphersuites.

My first question is whether there is a reason not to support setting TLS 1.3 
cipher suites through configuration ? Maybe there are Postgres builds with 
BoringSSL ? (Just speculating ?)

Another thing I was curious about is why does postgres opts to support setting 
only a single elliptic group 
 instead of calling out to an SSL function like SSL_CTX_set1_curves_list ?

Would the community be interested in seeing patches for setting TLS 1.3 
ciphersuites and expanding the configuration option for EC settings to support 
lists instead of single values ?

Seraphime Kirkovski

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