> Hello,
> Thanks for working on this! We're interested in RPR as well, and I've
> been trying to get up to speed with the specs, to maybe make myself
> useful.

Thank you for being interested in this.

> 19075-5 discusses that, at least; not sure about other parts of the spec.

Thanks for the info. Unfortunately I don't have 19075-5 though.

>> Maybe an insane idea but what about rewriting MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause
>> into Window clause with RPR?
> Are we guaranteed to always have an equivalent window clause? There seem
> to be many differences between the two, especially when it comes to ONE

You are right. I am not 100% sure if the rewriting is possible at this

> To add onto what Vik said above:
>>> It seems RPR in the standard is quite complex. I think we can start
>>> with a small subset of RPR then we could gradually enhance the
>>> implementation.
>> I have no problem with that as long as we don't paint ourselves into a 
>> corner.
> To me, PATTERN looks like an area where we may want to support a broader
> set of operations in the first version.

Me too but...

> The spec has a bunch of
> discussion around cases like empty matches, match order of alternation
> and permutation, etc., which are not possible to express or test with
> only the + quantifier. Those might be harder to get right in a v2, if we
> don't at least keep them in mind for v1?

Currently my patch has a limitation for the sake of simple
implementation: a pattern like "A+" is parsed and analyzed in the raw
parser. This makes subsequent process much easier because the pattern
element variable (in this case "A") and the quantifier (in this case
"+") is already identified by the raw parser. However there are much
more cases are allowed in the standard as you already pointed out. For
those cases probably we should give up to parse PATTERN items in the
raw parser, and instead the raw parser just accepts the elements as

>> +static List *
>> +transformPatternClause(ParseState *pstate, WindowClause *wc, WindowDef 
>> *windef)
>> +{
>> +   List        *patterns;
> My compiler complains about the `patterns` variable here, which is
> returned without ever being initialized. (The caller doesn't seem to use
> it.)

Will fix.

>> +-- basic test using PREV
>> +SELECT company, tdate, price, rpr(price) OVER w FROM stock
>> + WINDOW w AS (
>> + PARTITION BY company
>> +  UP AS price > PREV(price),
>> +  DOWN AS price < PREV(price)
>> +);
> nitpick: IMO the tests should be making use of ORDER BY in the window
> clauses.

Right. Will fix.

> This is a very big feature. I agree with you that MEASURES seems like a
> very important "next piece" to add. Are there other areas where you
> would like reviewers to focus on right now (or avoid)?

Any comments, especially on the PREV/NEXT implementation part is
welcome. Currently the DEFINE expression like "price > PREV(price)" is
prepared in ExecInitWindowAgg using ExecInitExpr,tweaking var->varno
in Var node so that PREV uses OUTER_VAR, NEXT uses INNER_VAR.  Then
evaluate the expression in ExecWindowAgg using ExecEvalExpr, setting
previous row TupleSlot to ExprContext->ecxt_outertuple, and next row
TupleSlot to ExprContext->ecxt_innertuple. I think this is temporary
hack and should be gotten ride of before v1 is committed. Better idea?

Best reagards,
Tatsuo Ishii
English: http://www.sraoss.co.jp/index_en/

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