On Fri, Jun 16, 2023 at 3:26 PM Amit Kapila <amit.kapil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 17, 2023 at 7:37 PM Drouvot, Bertrand
> <bertranddrouvot...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >

> 3. As mentioned in the initial email, I think it would be better to
> replace LIST_SLOTS command with a SELECT query.

I had a look at this thread. I am interested to work on this and can
spend some time addressing the comments given here.

I tried to replace LIST_SLOTS command with a SELECT query. Attached
rebased patch and PoC patch for LIST_SLOTS removal. For LIST_SLOTs cmd
removal, below are the points where more analysis is needed.

1) I could not use the exposed libpqwalreceiver's functions
walrcv_exec/libpqrcv_exec in LogicalRepLauncher to run select query
instead of LIST_SLOTS cmd. This is because libpqrcv_exec() needs
database connection but since in LogicalReplauncher, we do not have
any (MyDatabseId is not set), so the API gives an error. Thus to make
it work for the time-being, I used 'libpqrcv_PQexec' which is not
dependent upon database connection. But since it is not exposed "yet"
to other layers, I temporarily added the new code to
libpqwalreceiver.c itself. In fact I reused the existing function
wrapper libpqrcv_list_slots and changed the functionality to get info
using select query rather than list_slots.

2) While using connect API walrcv_connect/libpqrcv_connect(), we need
to tell it whether it is for logical or physical replication. In the
existing patch, where we were using LIST_SLOTS cmd, we have this
connection made with logical=false. But now since we need to run
select query to get the same info, using connection with logical=false
gives error on primary while executing select query. "ERROR:  cannot
execute SQL commands in WAL sender for physical replication".
And thus in ApplyLauncherStartSlotSync(), I have changed connect API
to use logical=true for the time being.  I noticed that in the
existing patch, it was using logical=false in
ApplyLauncherStartSlotSync() while logical=true in
synchronize_slots(). Possibly due to the same fact that logical=false
connection will not allow synchronize_slots() to run select query on
primary while it worked for ApplyLauncherStartSlotSync() as it was
running list_slots cmd instead of select query.

I am exploring further on these points to figure out which one is the
correct way to deal with these. Meanwhile posting this WIP patch for
early feedback. I will try addressing other comments as well in next


Attachment: v1-0001-Remove-list_slots-command.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: v7-0001-Synchronize-logical-replication-slots-from-primar.patch
Description: Binary data

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