
For below changes,

      else if (TailMatches("CREATE", "VIEW", MatchAny, "AS") ||
-             TailMatches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "VIEW", MatchAny,
+             TailMatches("CREATE", "VIEW", MatchAny, "WITH", "(*)", "AS")
+             TailMatches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "VIEW", MatchAny, "AS")
+             TailMatches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "VIEW", MatchAny,
"WITH", "(*)", "AS"))

it would be great to switch the order of the 3rd and the 4th line to make a
better match for "CREATE" and "CREATE OR REPLACE" .
I don't see how it would effect matching in any way - or am I
overlooking something here?

It won't affect the SQL matching. What I was trying to say is that using 'CREATE OR REPLACE ...' after 'CREATE ...' can enhance code structure, making it more readable. For instance,

/* Complete CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] VIEW <name> WITH ( ... ) with "AS" */
else if (TailMatches("CREATE", "VIEW", MatchAny, "WITH", "(*)") ||
                 TailMatches("CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "VIEW", MatchAny, "WITH", "(*)"))

"CREATE", "OR", "REPLACE", "VIEW", MatchAny, "WITH", "(*)" follows "CREATE", "VIEW", MatchAny, "WITH", "(*)") immediately.

best regards,


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