On Sun, Sep 3, 2023 at 6:42 AM Andrew Dunstan <and...@dunslane.net> wrote:
> I guess the next thing would be to test it on a few more platforms and also 
> to see if we need to expand the coverage of libpq for the intended uses.

Nice.  It works fine on my FreeBSD battlestation after "sudo pkg
install p5-FFI-Platypus" and adjusting that lib path.  I wonder if
there is a nice way to extract those constants from our headers...

It's using https://sourceware.org/libffi/ under the covers (like most
other scripting language FFI things), and that knows calling
conventions for everything we care about including weird OSes and
architectures.  It might be a slight pain to build it on systems that
have no package manager, if cpan can't do it for you?  I guess AIX
would be the most painful?

(Huh, while contemplating trying that, I just noticed that the GCC
build farm's AIX 7.2 system seems to have given up the ghost a few
weeks ago.  I wonder if it'll come back online with the current
release, or if that's the end...  There is still the
overloaded-to-the-point-of-being-hard-to-interact-with AIX 7.1 (=EOL)

> I confess I'm a little reluctant to impose this burden on buildfarm owners. 
> We should think about some sort of fallback in case this isn't supported on 
> some platform, either due to technological barriers or buildfarm owner 
> reluctance.

I guess you're thinking that it could be done in such a way that it is
automatically used for $node->safe_psql() and various other things if
Platypus is detected, but otherwise forking psql as now, for a
transition period?  Then we could nag build farm owners, and
eventually turn off the fallback stuff after N months.  After that it
would begin to be possible to use this in more interesting and
advanced ways.

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