hi. I played around with the 2023-Apr 4 latest patch.

+        <literal>lower(ARRAY[numrange(1.1,2.2),numrange(3.3,4.4)])</literal>
should be

+        <literal>upper(ARRAY[numrange(1.1,2.2),numrange(3.3,4.4)])</literal>
should be

there is no association between numrange and their base type numeric.
so for template: anyarray ranges_lower(anyarray). I don't think we can
input numrange array and return a numeric array.

>> When the return value of a function is declared as a polymorphic type, there 
>> must be at least one argument position that is also >> polymorphic, and the 
>> actual data type(s) supplied for the polymorphic arguments determine the 
>> actual result type for that call.

regression=# select
(1 row)
regression=# \gdesc
    Column    |    Type
 ranges_lower | numrange[]
(1 row)

I don't think you can cast literal ' {1.1,3.3,5.5}' to numrange[].

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