
* Tom Lane ( wrote:
> Joe Conway <> writes:
> > On 06/05/2018 10:43 AM, Andres Freund wrote:
> >> I think we've not fully agreed on that.  I'd argue we should manually
> >> filter things into the next CF. And both small patches and older things
> >> should qualify.
> > Would it work to rename 2018-09 to 2018-07 and then make a pass through
> > and move some of the entries to the next commitfest right away? That
> > seems easier than the alternative unless you think less than half of
> > what is there should be in 2018-07.
> Either way, we need some consensus on which patches are not going to be
> considered in 07.

I have a pretty hard time believing that we're going to actually manage
to pull this off, and the argument against larger patches going in
during the July commitfest was largely shot down during the dev meeting

Let's keep the tech side of this simple and just do the rename as
suggested and then we can encourage committers to review the
smaller/older patches by providing information about the objective size
and age of them, which will likely lead to the same result without all
the fuss over what patch should be in what commitfest.



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