
There is an old work item about building the docs if there are changes
in the docs, otherwise don't build the docs. I wanted to make an
addition to that idea; if the changes are only in the docs, don't run
all tasks except building the docs task; this could help to save more
CI times. I attached two patches.

I assumed that the docs related changes are limited with the changes
in the docs folder but I am not really sure about that.

This patch creates another task named 'Building the Docs' and moves
building the doc script from 'CompilerWarnings' task to this task.
This building the docs task only runs if there are changes in the docs
(under the doc/**) or in the CI files ('.cirrus.yml',
'.cirrus.tasks.yml') and if a specific OS is not requested.

This patch adds that: if the changes are *only* in the docs (under the
doc/**), *only* run building the docs task.

As a summary:
1- If the changes are not in the docs: Don't run build the docs task.
2- If the changes are in the docs or in the CI files : Run build the docs task.
3- If the changes are only in the docs: Only run build the docs task.
4- If 'ci-os-only:' set (There could be changes in the docs): Don't
run build the docs task.

Any kind of feedback would be appreciated.

Nazir Bilal Yavuz
From 43e18ed9eb328b4703ad3d8cb95d7d4b6140db89 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nazir Bilal Yavuz <byavu...@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2023 17:58:06 +0300
Subject: [PATCH v1 1/2] Only built the docs if there are changes are in the

Building the docs triggered although there are no changes in the docs.
So, the new 'Building the Docs' task is created. This task only
run if a specific OS is not requested and if there are changes in docs
or in the CI files.
 .cirrus.tasks.yml | 67 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 52 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.cirrus.tasks.yml b/.cirrus.tasks.yml
index e137769850d..21e276beb3b 100644
--- a/.cirrus.tasks.yml
+++ b/.cirrus.tasks.yml
@@ -740,21 +740,6 @@ task:
       make -s -j${BUILD_JOBS} clean
       time make -s -j${BUILD_JOBS} world-bin
-  ###
-  # Verify docs can be built
-  ###
-  # XXX: Only do this if there have been changes in doc/ since last build
-  always:
-    docs_build_script: |
-      time ./configure \
-        --cache gcc.cache \
-        CC="ccache gcc" \
-        CXX="ccache g++" \
-        CLANG="ccache clang"
-      make -s -j${BUILD_JOBS} clean
-      time make -s -j${BUILD_JOBS} -C doc
-  ###
   # Verify headerscheck / cpluspluscheck succeed
   # - Don't use ccache, the files are uncacheable, polluting ccache's
@@ -777,3 +762,55 @@ task:
     upload_caches: ccache
+  name: Build the Docs
+  depends_on: SanityCheck
+  # Only run if a specific OS is not requested and if there are changes in docs
+  # or in the CI files.
+  skip: $CIRRUS_CHANGE_MESSAGE =~ '.*\nci-os-only:.*' || !changesInclude('doc/**', '.cirrus.yml', '.cirrus.tasks.yml')
+  env:
+    CPUS: 4
+    BUILD_JOBS: 4
+    IMAGE_FAMILY: pg-ci-bullseye
+    CCACHE_DIR: "/tmp/ccache_dir"
+  <<: *linux_task_template
+  sysinfo_script: |
+    id
+    uname -a
+    cat /proc/cmdline
+    ulimit -a -H && ulimit -a -S
+    gcc -v
+    clang -v
+    export
+  ccache_cache:
+    folder: $CCACHE_DIR
+  setup_additional_packages_script: |
+    #apt-get update
+    #DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install ...
+  setup_script: echo "COPT=-Werror" > src/Makefile.custom
+  # Verify docs can be built
+  always:
+    docs_build_script: |
+      time ./configure \
+        --cache gcc.cache \
+        CC="ccache gcc" \
+        CXX="ccache g++" \
+        CLANG="ccache clang"
+      make -s -j${BUILD_JOBS} clean
+      time make -s -j${BUILD_JOBS} -C doc
+  always:
+    upload_caches: ccache

From d82eb7349924f6a2a32b05435086a91a0c767796 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nazir Bilal Yavuz <byavu...@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2023 17:10:45 +0300
Subject: [PATCH v1 2/2] Just run the Build the Docs task if the changes are
 only in docs

If the changes are only in the docs, skip all tasks except 'Build the
Docs' task.
 .cirrus.tasks.yml | 16 ++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.cirrus.tasks.yml b/.cirrus.tasks.yml
index 21e276beb3b..4ccf75cefda 100644
--- a/.cirrus.tasks.yml
+++ b/.cirrus.tasks.yml
@@ -3,6 +3,11 @@
 # For instructions on how to enable the CI integration in a repository and
 # further details, see src/tools/ci/README
+# When changes are only in docs, skip all tasks except
+# 'Build the Docs' task.
+# This skip is overriden in 'SanityCheck' and 'Build the Docs' task.
+skip: changesIncludeOnly('doc/**')
   # The lower depth accelerates git clone. Use a bit of depth so that
@@ -54,12 +59,11 @@ on_failure_meson: &on_failure_meson
 # broken commits, have a minimal task that all others depend on.
   name: SanityCheck
-  # If a specific OS is requested, don't run the sanity check. This shortens
-  # push-wait-for-ci cycle time a bit when debugging operating system specific
-  # failures. Uses skip instead of only_if, as cirrus otherwise warns about
-  # only_if conditions not matching.
-  skip: $CIRRUS_CHANGE_MESSAGE =~ '.*\nci-os-only:.*'
+  # If a specific OS is requested or if there are changes only in the docs,
+  # don't run the sanity check. This shortens push-wait-for-ci cycle time a bit
+  # when debugging operating system specific failures. Uses skip instead of
+  # only_if, as cirrus otherwise warns about only_if conditions not matching.
+  skip: $CIRRUS_CHANGE_MESSAGE =~ '.*\nci-os-only:.*' || changesIncludeOnly('doc/**')
     CPUS: 4

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