
> Renaming/Refactoring:
> - All spans are now tracked in the palloced current_trace_spans buffer
> compared to top_span and parse_span being kept in a static variable
> before.
> - I've renamed query_spans to top_span. A top_span serves as the
> parent for all spans in a specific nested level.
> - More debugging information and assertions. Spans now track their
> nested level, if they've been ended and if they are a top_span.
> Changes:
> - I've added the subxact_count to the span's metadata. This can help
> identify the moment a subtransaction was started.
> - I've reworked nested queries and utility statements. Previously, I
> made the assumptions that we could only have one top_span per nested
> level which is not the case. Some utility statements can execute
> multiple queries in the same nested level. Tracing utility statement
> now works better (see image of tracing a create extension).

Many thanks for the updated patch.

If it's not too much trouble, please use `git format-patch`. This
makes applying and testing the patch much easier. Also you can provide
a commit message which 1. will simplify the work for the committer and
2. can be reviewed as well.

The tests fail on CI [1]. I tried to run them locally and got the same
results. I'm using full-build.sh from this repository [2] for
Autotools and the following one-liner for Meson:

clean -dfx && meson setup --buildtype debug -Dcassert=true
-DPG_TEST_EXTRA="kerberos ldap ssl load_balance" -Dldap=disabled
-Dssl=openssl -Dtap_tests=enabled
-Dprefix=/home/eax/projects/pginstall build && ninja -C build && ninja
-C build docs && PG_TEST_EXTRA=1 meson test -C build'

The comments for pg_tracing.c don't seem to be formatted properly.
Please make sure to run pg_indent. See src/tools/pgindent/README

The interface pg_tracing_spans(true | false) doesn't strike me as
particularly readable. Maybe this function should be private and the
interface be like pg_tracing_spans() and pg_trancing_consume_spans().
Alternatively you could use named arguments in the tests, but I don't
think this is a preferred solution.

Speaking of the tests I suggest adding a bit more comments before
every (or most) of the queries. Figuring out what they test could be
not particularly straightforward for somebody who will make changes
after the patch will be accepted.

[1]: http://cfbot.cputube.org/
[2]: https://github.com/afiskon/pgscripts/

Best regards,
Aleksander Alekseev

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