
In the regression test I see tests the one below [1], but generally, 
jsonb_path_query is a SRF,
and the definition in pg_proc.dat has it as such [0], looking at the 
implementation it doesn’t look like it calls jsonb_query_first behind the 
scenes (say if it detects it’s being called in  SELECT), which would explain it.

How would I re-create this same behaviour with say another $.func() in jsonb or 
any SRF in general.

{ oid => '4006', descr => 'jsonpath query',
  proname => 'jsonb_path_query', prorows => '1000', proretset => 't',
  prorettype => 'jsonb', proargtypes => 'jsonb jsonpath jsonb bool',
  prosrc => 'jsonb_path_query' },

select jsonb_path_query('"10-03-2017"', '$.datetime("dd-mm-yyyy")');
(1 row)

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