On Fri, Oct 20, 2023 at 11:30 AM David Steele <da...@pgmasters.net> wrote:
> Then I'm fine with it as is.

OK, thanks.

> In my view this feature puts the cart way before the horse. I'd think
> higher priority features might be parallelism, a backup repository,
> expiration management, archiving, or maybe even a restore command.
> It seems the only goal here is to make pg_basebackup a tool for external
> backup software to use, which might be OK, but I don't believe this
> feature really advances pg_basebackup as a usable piece of stand-alone
> software. If people really think that start/stop backup is too
> complicated an interface how are they supposed to track page
> incrementals and get them to a place where pg_combinebackup can put them
> backup together? If automation is required to use this feature,
> shouldn't pg_basebackup implement that automation?
> I have plenty of thoughts about the implementation as well, but I have a
> lot on my plate right now and I don't have time to get into it.
> I don't plan to stand in your way on this feature. I'm reviewing what
> patches I can out of courtesy and to be sure that nothing adjacent to
> your work is being affected. My apologies if my reviews are not meeting
> your expectations, but I am contributing as my time constraints allow.

Sorry, I realize reading this response that I probably didn't do a
very good job writing that email and came across sounding like a jerk.
Possibly, I actually am a jerk. Whether it just sounded like it or I
actually am, I apologize. But your last paragraph here gets at my real
question, which is whether you were going to try to block the feature.
I recognize that we have different priorities when it comes to what
would make most sense to implement in PostgreSQL, and that's OK, or at
least, it's OK with me. I also don't have any particular expectation
about how much you should review the patch or in what level of detail,
and I have sincerely appreciated your feedback thus far. If you are
able to continue to provide more, that's great, and if that's not,
well, you're not obligated. What I was concerned about was whether
that review was a precursor to a vigorous attempt to keep the main
patch from getting committed, because if that was going to be the
case, then I'd like to surface that conflict sooner rather than later.
It sounds like that's not an issue, which is great.

At the risk of drifting into the fraught question of what I *should*
be implementing rather than the hopefully-less-fraught question of
whether what I am actually implementing is any good, I see incremental
backup as a way of removing some of the use cases for the low-level
backup API. If you said "but people still will have lots of reasons to
use it," I would agree; and if you said "people can still screw things
up with pg_basebackup," I would also agree. Nonetheless, most of the
disasters I've personally seen have stemmed from the use of the
low-level API rather than from the use of pg_basebackup, though there
are exceptions. I also think a lot of the use of the low-level API is
driven by it being just too darn slow to copy the whole database, and
incremental backup can help with that in some circumstances. Also, I
have worked fairly hard to try to make sure that if you misuse
pg_combinebackup, or fail to use it altogether, you'll get an error
rather than silent data corruption. I would be interested to hear
about scenarios where the checks that I've implemented can be defeated
by something that is plausibly described as stupidity rather than
malice. I'm not sure we can fix all such cases, but I'm very alert to
the horror that will befall me if user error looks exactly like a bug
in the code. For my own sanity, we have to be able to distinguish
those cases. Moreover, we also need to be able to distinguish
backup-time bugs from reassembly-time bugs, which is why I've got the
pg_walsummary tool, and why pg_combinebackup has the ability to emit
fairly detailed debugging output. I anticipate those things being
useful in investigating bug reports when they show up. I won't be too
surprised if it turns out that more work on sanity-checking and/or
debugging tools is needed, but I think your concern about people
misusing stuff is bang on target and I really want to do whatever we
can to avoid that when possible and detect it when it happens.

Robert Haas
EDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

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