On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 10:04:25AM +0200, Drouvot, Bertrand wrote:
> By "used in an unexpected way in the future", what do you mean exactly? Do 
> you mean
> the caller forgetting it is working on a copy and then could work with
> "stale" counters?

(Be careful about the code indentation.)

The part that I found disturbing is here:
+       tabentry = (PgStat_TableStatus *) entry_ref->pending;
+       tablestatus = palloc(sizeof(PgStat_TableStatus));
+       *tablestatus = *tabentry;

This causes tablestatus->trans to point to the same location as
tabentry->trans, but wouldn't it be better to set tablestatus->trans
to NULL instead for the copy returned to the caller?

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