On 10/27/23 13:45, David G. Johnston wrote:

Let me modify that to make it a bit more clear, I actually wouldn't care if pg_backup_end outputs an entire binary pg_control file as part of the SQL resultset.

My proposal would be to, in addition, place in the temporary directory on the server, Postgres-written versions of pg_control and tablespace_map as part of the pg_backup_end processing.  The client software would then have a choice.  Write the contents of the SQL resultset to newly created binary mode files in the destination, or, copy the server-written files from the temporary directory to the destination.

That said, I'm starting to dislike that idea myself.  It only really makes sense if the files could be placed in the data directory but that isn't doable given concurrent backups and not wanting to place the source server into an inconsistent state.

Pretty much the conclusion I have come to myself over the years.


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