On 2023-12-05 Tu 16:02, Joe Conway wrote:
On 12/5/23 15:55, Andrew Dunstan wrote:

On 2023-12-05 Tu 14:50, Davin Shearer wrote:
Hi Joe,

In reviewing the 005 patch, I think that when used with FORCE ARRAY, we should also _imply_ FORCE ROW DELIMITER.  I can't envision a use case where someone would want to use FORCE ARRAY without also using FORCE ROW DELIMITER.  I can, however, envision a use case where someone would want FORCE ROW DELIMITER without FORCE ARRAY, like maybe including into a larger array.  I definitely appreciate these options and the flexibility that they afford from a user perspective.

In the test output, will you also show the different variations with FORCE ARRAY and FORCE ROW DELIMITER => {(false, false), (true, false), (false, true), (true, true)}? Technically you've already shown me the (false, false) case as those are the defaults.

I don't understand the point of FORCE_ROW_DELIMITER at all. There is
only one legal delimiter of array items in JSON, and that's a comma.
There's no alternative and it's not optional. So in the array case you
MUST have commas and in any other case (e.g. LINES) I can't see why you
would have them.

The current patch already *does* imply row delimiters in the array case. It says so here:
+    <varlistentry>
+ <term><literal>FORCE_ARRAY</literal></term>
+     <listitem>
+      <para>
+       Force output of array decorations at the beginning and end of output.
+       This option implies the <literal>FORCE_ROW_DELIMITER</literal>
+       option. It is allowed only in <command>COPY TO</command>, and only
+       when using <literal>JSON</literal> format.
+       The default is <literal>false</literal>.
+      </para>

and it does so here:
+         if (opts_out->force_array)
+             opts_out->force_row_delimiter = true;

and it shows that here:
+ copy copytest to stdout (format json, force_array);
+ [
+  {"style":"DOS","test":"abc\r\ndef","filler":1}
+ ,{"style":"Unix","test":"abc\ndef","filler":2}
+ ,{"style":"Mac","test":"abc\rdef","filler":3}
+ ,{"style":"esc\\ape","test":"a\\r\\\r\\\n\\nb","filler":4}
+ ]

It also does not allow explicitly setting row delimiters false while force_array is true here:

+         if (opts_out->force_array &&
+             force_row_delimiter_specified &&
+             !opts_out->force_row_delimiter)
+             ereport(ERROR,
+                     (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED),
+                      errmsg("cannot specify FORCE_ROW_DELIMITER false with FORCE_ARRAY true")));

Am I understanding something incorrectly?

But what's the point of having it if you're not using FORCE_ARRAY?



Andrew Dunstan
EDB: https://www.enterprisedb.com

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