10.01.2024 12:31, Amit Kapila wrote:
I am slightly hesitant to add any particular system table name in the
comments as this can happen for any other system table as well, so
slightly adjusted the comments in the attached. However, I think it is
okay to mention the particular system table name in the commit
message. Let me know what do you think.

Thank you, Amit!

I'd like to note that the culprit is exactly pg_largeobject as coded in
     * pg_largeobject comes from the old system intact, so set its
     * relfrozenxids, relminmxids and relfilenode.
    if (dopt->binary_upgrade)
                             "TRUNCATE pg_catalog.pg_largeobject;\n");

I see no other TRUNCATEs (or similar logic) around, so I would specify the
table name in the comments. Though maybe I'm missing something...

Best regards,

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