On 8/1/2024 16:21, Alexander Cheshev wrote:
Hi Andrei,

Maybe my wording needed to be more precise. I didn't implement
multidimensional histograms before, so I don't know how expensive they
are. I meant that for dependency statistics over about six columns, we
have a lot of combinations to compute.

Equi-Depth Histogram in a 6 dimensional case requires 6 times more
iterations. Postgres already uses Equi-Depth Histogram. Even if you
increase the number of buckets from 100 to 1000 then there will be no
overhead as the time complexity of Equi-Depth Histogram has no
dependence on the number of buckets. So, no overhead at all!

Maybe. For three columns, we have 9 combinations (passes) for building dependency statistics and 4 combinations for ndistincts; for six columns, we have 186 and 57 combinations correspondingly. Even remembering that dependency is just one number for one combination, building the dependency statistics is still massive work. So, in the multicolumn case, having something like a histogram may be more effective.

Andrei Lepikhov
Postgres Professional

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