d=# create type varbitrange as range (subtype = varbit);
d=# \dT+
                                             List of data types
 Schema |       Name       |  Internal name   | Size | Elements |  Owner   | 
Access privileges | Description 
 public | varbitmultirange | varbitmultirange | var  |          | postgres |    
 public | varbitrange      | varbitrange      | var  |          | postgres |    
(2 rows)

d=# create user joe;
d=# alter type varbitrange owner to joe;
d=# \dT+
                                             List of data types
 Schema |       Name       |  Internal name   | Size | Elements |  Owner   | 
Access privileges | Description 
 public | varbitmultirange | varbitmultirange | var  |          | postgres |    
 public | varbitrange      | varbitrange      | var  |          | joe      |    
(2 rows)

That's pretty broken, isn't it?  joe would own the multirange if he'd
created the range to start with.  Even if you think the ownerships
ideally should be separable, this behavior causes existing pg_dump
files to restore incorrectly, because pg_dump assumes it need not emit
any commands about the multirange.

A related issue is that you can manually alter the multirange's

d=# alter type varbitmultirange owner to joe;

which while it has some value in allowing recovery from this bug,
is inconsistent with our handling of other dependent types such
as arrays:

d=# alter type _varbitrange owner to joe;
ERROR:  cannot alter array type varbitrange[]
HINT:  You can alter type varbitrange, which will alter the array type as well.

Possibly the thing to do about that is to forbid it in HEAD
for consistency, while still allowing it in back branches
so that people can clean up inconsistent ownership if needed.

                        regards, tom lane

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