On Sat, 2024-01-20 at 07:40 +0530, vignesh C wrote:
> This thread has been idle for a year now, It has stalled after a lot
> of discussion.
> @Jeff Davis: Do you want to try to restart the discussion by posting
> an updated version and see what happens?

Thank you for following up. Yes, I'd like to find a path forward here,
but I need some validation from others on my approach.

I rendered the docs I wrote as an HTML page and attached it to this
thread, to make it easier for others to read and comment. It's
basically a tool for experts who are willing to devote effort to
managing their collations and ICU libraries. Is that what we want?

At an implementation level, did I get the extension APIs right? I
considered making the API simpler, but that would require the extension
to do quite a bit more work (including a lot of redundant work) to use
ICU properly.

        Jeff Davis

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