I cannot figure out why it aborts.

as Tom mentioned in upthread about the test cases.
similar to src/test/regress/sql/stats_ext.sql check_estimated_rows function.
we can test it by something:

create or replace function check_estimated_rows(text) returns table (ok bool)
language plpgsql as
    ln text;
    tmp text[];
    first_row bool := true;
    for ln in
        execute format('explain analyze %s', $1)
        if first_row then
            first_row := false;
            tmp := regexp_match(ln, 'rows=(\d*) .* rows=(\d*)');
            return query select 0.2 < tmp[1]::float8 / tmp[2]::float8
and tmp[1]::float8 / tmp[2]::float8 < 5;
        end if;
    end loop;

select * from check_estimated_rows($$select * from test_range_join_1,
test_range_join_2 where ir1 && ir2$$);
select * from check_estimated_rows($$select * from test_range_join_1,
test_range_join_2 where ir1 << ir2$$);
select * from check_estimated_rows($$select * from test_range_join_1,
test_range_join_2 where ir1 >> ir2$$);

Do you need 3 tables to do the test? because we need to actually run
the query then compare the estimated row
and actually returned rows.
If you really execute the query with 3 table joins, it will take a lot of time.
So two tables join with where quql should be fine?

/* Fast-forwards i and j to start of iteration */
+ for (i = 0; range_cmp_bound_values(typcache, &hist1[i], &hist2[0]) < 0; i++);
+ for (j = 0; range_cmp_bound_values(typcache, &hist2[j], &hist1[0]) < 0; j++);
+ /* Do the estimation on overlapping regions */
+ while (i < nhist1 && j < nhist2)
+ {
+ double cur_sel1,
+ cur_sel2;
+ RangeBound cur_sync;
+ if (range_cmp_bound_values(typcache, &hist1[i], &hist2[j]) < 0)
+ cur_sync = hist1[i++];
+ else if (range_cmp_bound_values(typcache, &hist1[i], &hist2[j]) > 0)
+ cur_sync = hist2[j++];
+ else
+ {
+ /* If equal, skip one */
+ cur_sync = hist1[i];

this part range_cmp_bound_values "if else if" part computed twice, you
can just do
int cmp;
cmp = range_cmp_bound_values(typcache, &hist1[i], &hist2[j]);
if cmp <0  then
else if cmp > 0 then
else then

also. I think you can put the following into  main while loop.
+ for (i = 0; range_cmp_bound_values(typcache, &hist1[i], &hist2[0]) < 0; i++);
+ for (j = 0; range_cmp_bound_values(typcache, &hist2[j], &hist1[0]) < 0; j++);

split range and multirange into 2 patches might be a good idea.
seems: same function (calc_hist_join_selectivity) with same function
signature in src/backend/utils/adt/multirangetypes_selfuncs.c
and src/backend/utils/adt/rangetypes_selfuncs.c,
previously mail complaints not resolved.

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