On 24.01.24 00:44, Euler Taveira wrote:
Subscriber has a different meaning of subscription. Subscription is an SQL
object. Subscriber is the server (node in replication terminology) where the
subscription resides. Having said that pg_createsubscriber doesn't seem a bad name because you are creating a new subscriber. (Indeed, you are transforming / converting but "create" seems closer and users can infer that it is a tool to
build a new logical replica.

That makes sense.

(Also, the problem with "convert" etc. is that "convertsubscriber" would imply that you are converting an existing subscriber to something else. It would need to be something like "convertbackup" then, which doesn't seem helpful.)

I think "convert" and "transform" fit for this case. However, "create",
"convert" and "transform" have 6, 7 and 9 characters,  respectively. I suggest that we avoid long names (subscriber already has 10 characters). My preference
is pg_createsubscriber.

That seems best to me.

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