On Tue, Dec 5, 2023 at 6:55 PM Andrei Lepikhov
<a.lepik...@postgrespro.ru> wrote:
> Here is fresh version with the pg_dump.pl regex fixed. Now it must pass
> buildfarm.

+JumbleState *
+JumbleExpr(Expr *expr, uint64 *queryId)
+ JumbleState *jstate = NULL;
+ Assert(queryId != NULL);
+ jstate = (JumbleState *) palloc(sizeof(JumbleState));
+ /* Set up workspace for query jumbling */
+ jstate->jumble = (unsigned char *) palloc(JUMBLE_SIZE);
+ jstate->jumble_len = 0;
+ jstate->clocations_buf_size = 32;
+ jstate->clocations = (LocationLen *)
+ palloc(jstate->clocations_buf_size * sizeof(LocationLen));
+ jstate->clocations_count = 0;
+ jstate->highest_extern_param_id = 0;
+ /* Compute query ID */
+ _jumbleNode(jstate, (Node *) expr);
+ *queryId = DatumGetUInt64(hash_any_extended(jstate->jumble,
+ jstate->jumble_len,
+ 0));
+ if (*queryId == UINT64CONST(0))
+ *queryId = UINT64CONST(1);
+ return jstate;

+ * Hash function that's compatible with guc_name_compare
+ */
+static uint32
+orclause_hash(const void *data, Size keysize)
+ OrClauseGroupKey   *key = (OrClauseGroupKey *) data;
+ uint64 hash;
+ (void) JumbleExpr(key->expr, &hash);
+ hash += ((uint64) key->opno + (uint64) key->exprtype) % UINT64_MAX;
+ return hash;

correct me if i am wrong:
in orclause_hash, you just want to return a uint32, then why does the
JumbleExpr function return struct JumbleState.
here JumbleExpr, we just simply hash part of a Query struct,
so JumbleExpr's queryId would be confused with JumbleQuery function's queryId.

not sure the purpose of the following:
+ if (*queryId == UINT64CONST(0))
+ *queryId = UINT64CONST(1);

even if  *queryId is 0
`hash += ((uint64) key->opno + (uint64) key->exprtype) % UINT64_MAX;`
will make the hash return non-zero?

+ MemSet(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
i am not sure this is necessary.

Some comments on OrClauseGroupEntry would be great.

seems there is no doc.

create or replace function retint(int) returns int as
begin return $1 + round(10 * random()); end
$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

set enable_or_transformation to on;
SELECT count(*) FROM tenk1
WHERE thousand = 42 AND (tenthous * retint(1) = NULL OR tenthous *
retint(1) = 3) OR thousand = 41;

                                                    QUERY PLAN
   ->  Seq Scan on tenk1
         Filter: (((thousand = 42) AND ((tenthous * retint(1)) = ANY
('{NULL,3}'::integer[]))) OR (thousand = 41))
(3 rows)

Based on the query plan, retint executed once, but here it should be
executed twice?
maybe we need to use contain_volatile_functions to check through the
other part of the operator expression.

+ if (IsA(leftop, Const))
+ {
+ opno = get_commutator(opno);
+ if (!OidIsValid(opno))
+ {
+ /* Commuter doesn't exist, we can't reverse the order */
+ or_list = lappend(or_list, orqual);
+ continue;
+ }
+ nconst_expr = get_rightop(orqual);
+ const_expr = get_leftop(orqual);
+ }
+ else if (IsA(rightop, Const))
+ {
+ const_expr = get_rightop(orqual);
+ nconst_expr = get_leftop(orqual);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ or_list = lappend(or_list, orqual);
+ continue;
+ }
do we need to skip this transformation for the const type is anyarray?

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