On 14.02.24 06:22, Ian Lawrence Barwick wrote:
I had a longer look at this and can't find any issues with the code or
documentation changes.

Thanks, committed.

I did wonder whether it would be worth mentioning that any initdb
options set in "PG_TEST_INITDB_EXTRA_OPTS" will override those
which can be set by pg_regress, but of the four ("--no-clean", "--no-sync",
"--debug" and "--no-locale"), only the optional  "--no-locale" can actually
be overridden, so it doesn't seem important.

I thought about this. We don't have a man page for pg_regress, so there is no place to comprehensively document all the options and their interactions. The documentation in regress.sgml works on a makefile level. AFAICT, the --debug option is not exposed via the makefiles at all, while --no-locale can be requested by the environment variable NOLOCALE, but that is not documented, and also not ported to meson. I think if you want tweaks on this level, there is some expectations right now that you might need to study the source code a bit.

One thing that might be interesting would be to allow running initdb without the --no-sync option, to exercise fsync a bit. But there is no "--yes-sync" option to override --no-sync, otherwise you could do it with the just-committed feature.

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