Hi Ajin,

Thank you for your feedback. Could you please try to increase the number of 
clients (-c pgbench option) up to 20 or more? It seems, I forgot to specify it.

With best regards,
Vitaly Davydov On Fri, Feb 23, 2024 at 12:29 AM Давыдов Виталий 
<v.davy...@postgrespro.ru> wrote:
Dear All,
I'd like to present and talk about a problem when 2PC transactions are applied 
quite slowly on a replica during logical replication. There is a master and a 
replica with established logical replication from the master to the replica 
with twophase = true. With some load level on the master, the replica starts to 
lag behind the master, and the lag will be increasing. We have to significantly 
decrease the load on the master to allow replica to complete the catchup. Such 
problem may create significant difficulties in the production. The problem 
appears at least on REL_16_STABLE branch.
To reproduce the problem:
 * Setup logical replication from master to replica with subscription parameter 
twophase =  true. * Create some intermediate load on the master (use pgbench 
with custom sql with prepare+commit) * Optionally switch off the replica for 
some time (keep load on master). * Switch on the replica and wait until it 
reaches the master.
The replica will never reach the master with even some low load on the master. 
If to remove the load, the replica will reach the master for much greater time, 
than expected. I tried the same for regular transactions, but such problem 
doesn't appear even with a decent load.
  I tried this setup and I do see that the logical subscriber does reach the 
master in a short time. I'm not sure what I'm missing. I stopped the logical 
subscriber in between while pgbench was running and then started it again and 
ran the following:postgres=# SELECT sent_lsn, pg_current_wal_lsn() FROM 
 sent_lsn  | pg_current_wal_lsn
 0/6793FA0 | 0/6793FA0 <=== caught up
(1 row)
 My pgbench command:pgbench postgres -p 6972 -c 2 -j 3 -f /home/ajin/test.sql 
-T 200 -P 5 my custom sql file:cat test.sql
SELECT md5(random()::text) as mygid \gset
DELETE FROM test WHERE v = pg_backend_pid();
INSERT INTO test(v) SELECT pg_backend_pid();
COMMIT PREPARED $$:mygid$$; regards,Ajin CherianFujitsu Australia 


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