
I've taken the liberty to update this patch, and register it in the
commitfest app to not lose track of progress [0].

The attached v8 patch measures scratch memory allocations (with MEMORY
option), total time spent in serialization (with TIMING on, measures
are inclusive of unseparated memcpy to the message buffer), and a
count of produced bytes plus the output format used (text or binary).
It's a light rework of the earlier 0007 patch, I've reused tests and
some infrastructure, while the implementation details and comments
have been updated significantly.

I think we can bikeshed on format and names, but overall I think the
patch is in a very decent shape.

Stepan, thank you for your earlier work, and feel free to check it out
or pick it up again if you want to; else I'll try to get this done.

Kind regards,

Matthias van de Meent

[0] https://commitfest.postgresql.org/47/4852/

Attachment: v8-0001-Explain-Add-SERIALIZE-option.patch
Description: Binary data

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