
On Wed, Mar 6, 2024 at 11:07 Matthias van de Meent <> wrote:

> On Fri, 1 Mar 2024, 04:55 Corey Huinker, <> wrote:
> >> Also per our prior discussion- this makes sense to include in post-data
> section, imv, and also because then we have the indexes we may wish to load
> stats for, but further that also means it’ll be in the paralleliziable part
> of the process, making me a bit less concerned overall about the individual
> timing.
> >
> >
> > The ability to parallelize is pretty persuasive. But is that
> per-statement parallelization or do we get transaction blocks? i.e. if we
> ended up importing stats like this:
> >
> > BEGIN;
> > LOCK TABLE pg_catalog.pg_statistic IN ROW UPDATE EXCLUSIVE MODE;
> > SELECT pg_import_rel_stats('schema.relation', ntuples, npages);
> > SELECT pg_import_pg_statistic('schema.relation', 'id', ...);
> > SELECT pg_import_pg_statistic('schema.relation', 'name', ...);
> How well would this simplify to the following:
> SELECT pg_import_statistic('schema.relation', attname, ...)
> FROM (VALUES ('id', ...), ...) AS relation_stats (attname, ...);

Using a VALUES construct for this does seem like it might make it cleaner,
so +1 for investigating that idea.

Or even just one VALUES for the whole statistics loading?

I don’t think we’d want to go beyond one relation at a time as then it can
be parallelized, we won’t be trying to lock a whole bunch of objects at
once, and any failures would only impact that one relation’s stats load.

I suspect the main issue with combining this into one statement
> (transaction) is that failure to load one column's statistics implies
> you'll have to redo all the other statistics (or fail to load the
> statistics at all), which may be problematic at the scale of thousands
> of relations with tens of columns each.

I’m pretty skeptical that “stats fail to load and lead to a failed
transaction” is a likely scenario that we have to spend a lot of effort
on.  I’m pretty bullish on the idea that this simply won’t happen except in
very exceptional cases under a pg_upgrade (where the pg_dump that’s used
must match the target server version) and where it happens under a pg_dump
it’ll be because it’s an older pg_dump’s output and the answer will likely
need to be “you’re using a pg_dump file generated using an older version of
pg_dump and need to exclude stats entirely from the load and instead run
analyze on the data after loading it.”

What are the cases where we would be seeing stats reloads failing where it
would make sense to re-try on a subset of columns, or just generally, if we
know that the pg_dump version matches the target server version?




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