> On 7 Mar 2024, at 00:55, Alexander Korotkov <aekorot...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 6, 2024 at 10:22 AM Andrey M. Borodin <x4...@yandex-team.ru> 
> wrote:
>>> On 25 Feb 2024, at 21:50, Alexander Korotkov <aekorot...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thank you for the patches.  I've pushed the 0001 patch to avoid
>>> further failures on buildfarm.  Let 0004 wait till injections points
>>> by Mechael are committed.
>> Thanks!
>> All prerequisites are committed. I propose something in a line with this 
>> patch.
> Thank you.  I took a look at the patch.  Should we also check the
> relevant message after the timeout is fired?  We could check it in
> psql stderr or log for that.

PFA version which checks log output.
But I could not come up with a proper use of BackgroundPsql->query_until() to 
check outputs. And there are multiple possible errors.

We can copy test from src/bin/psql/t/001_basic.pl:

# test behavior and output on server crash
my ($ret, $out, $err) = $node->psql('postgres',
"SELECT 'before' AS running;\n"
. "SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pg_backend_pid());\n"
. "SELECT 'AFTER' AS not_running;\n");

is($ret, 2, 'server crash: psql exit code');
like($out, qr/before/, 'server crash: output before crash');
ok($out !~ qr/AFTER/, 'server crash: no output after crash');
is( $err,
'psql:<stdin>:2: FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command
psql:<stdin>:2: server closed the connection unexpectedly
This probably means the server terminated abnormally
before or while processing the request.
psql:<stdin>:2: error: connection to server was lost',
'server crash: error message’);

But I do not see much value in this.
What do you think?

Best regards, Andrey Borodin.

Attachment: v3-0001-Add-timeouts-TAP-tests.patch
Description: Binary data

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