Hi Andrew,

> If there's a movement towards "node" to refer to the database which has the 
> Subscription object, then perhaps the documentation for
> 31.2. Subscription, Chapter 31. Logical Replication should be updated as 
> well, since it uses both the "database" and "node" terms on the same page, 
> and to me referring to the same thing (I could be missing a subtlety).
> See:
> "The subscriber database..."
> "A subscriber node may..."
> Also, the word "database" in this sentence: "A subscription defines the 
> connection to another database" to me works, but I think using "node" there 
> could be more consistent if it’s referring to the server instance running the 
> database that holds the PUBLICATION. The connection string information 
> example later on the page shows "host" and "dbname" configured in the 
> CONNECTION value for the SUBSCRIPTION. This sentence seems like the use of 
> "database" in casual style to mean the "server instance" (or "node").
> Also, the "The node where a subscription is defined". That one actually feels 
> to me like "The database where a subscription is defined", but then that 
> contradicts what I just said, and "node" is fine here but I think "node" 
> should be on the preceding sentence too.
> Anyway, hopefully these examples show “node” and “database” are mixed and 
> perhaps others agree using one consistently might help the goals of the docs.

For me the existing content looks good, I felt let's keep it as it is
unless others feel differently.

Thanks and regards,
Shlok Kyal

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