> On Jun 25, 2018, at 3:00 AM, zafiirah jumeen <zafiirahjum...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I was trying to do auto partitioning in PostgreSQL 10.
> First of all, I created 2 tables t_dossier_bac_history_insert_table and 
> t_dossier_bac_history_sensor_collections.
> And then, I created a trigger which would execute a function (which would 
> create my partitions) before inputting data in 
> t_dossier_bac_history_insert_table.
> But, I am having an error which is as follows when I try to insert data from 
> an existing table to t_dossier_bac_history_insert_table:
> ERROR: query string argument of EXECUTE is null CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function 
> sensor_partition() line 27 at EXECUTE SQL state: 22004
> Could you please help me in resolving this issue.

The variable 'new_insert' will be null when any of the new columns
are null, because concatenation of null with anything else renders
a null result.  You could look at the documentation for the function
named COALESCE() and see how to use that to prevent the 'new_insert'
variable from becoming null.

There may be broader problems in the general design of your solution,

I think you should post questions of this sort to pgsql-general
rather than here.

> Please see below for part of my codes.
> Thank you in advance.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> CREATE TABLE t_dossier_bac_history_insert_table
> (
>     id_dossier_bac_history character(32) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT 
>     boo_supprime boolean,
>     dat_create timestamp without time zone DEFAULT timezone('utc'::text, 
> now()),
>     dat_supprime timestamp without time zone,
>     dat_update timestamp without time zone,
>     num_version bigint NOT NULL,
>     dat_date_entree timestamp without time zone,
>     dat_date_sortie timestamp without time zone,
>     id_bac character(32) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
>     id_dossier character(32) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
>     boo_en_migration boolean DEFAULT false
> )
> WITH (
>     OIDS = FALSE
> )
> TABLESPACE pg_default;
> CREATE TABLE t_dossier_bac_history_sensor_collections
> (
>     id_dossier_bac_history character(32) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT 
>     boo_supprime boolean,
>     dat_create timestamp without time zone DEFAULT timezone('utc'::text, 
> now()),
>     dat_supprime timestamp without time zone,
>     dat_update timestamp without time zone,
>     num_version bigint NOT NULL,
>     dat_date_entree timestamp without time zone,
>     dat_date_sortie timestamp without time zone,
>     id_bac character(32) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
>     id_dossier character(32) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
>     boo_en_migration boolean DEFAULT false
> )
> WITH (
>     OIDS = FALSE
> )
> TABLESPACE pg_default;
> CREATE TRIGGER insert_to_t_dossier_bac_history_sensor_collections
> ON t_dossier_bac_history_insert_table
> EXECUTE PROCEDURE sensor_partition();
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sensor_partition()
> sensor_table TEXT;
> new_table TEXT;
> new_insert TEXT;
> sensor_table='id_bac_'||NEW.id_bac;
>                IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT relname FROM pg_class                    
>   --CHECK IF TABLE 'sensor_table' exists. If not, create the table.
>                                                    WHERE 
> relname=sensor_table) THEN 
>                                                    RAISE NOTICE 'Creating 
> Partition:%', sensor_table;
>                                                    new_table := 'CREATE TABLE 
> '|| sensor_table                                  --Table does not exists, 
> create table/partition
>                                                                  || ' 
> PARTITION OF t_dossier_bac_history_sensor_collections' || ' 
> (id_dossier_bac_history, dat_create, dat_supprime, dat_update, num_version, 
> dat_date_entree, dat_date_sortie, id_bac, id_dossier, boo_en_migration)'
>                                   || ' FOR VALUES IN ( '''|| NEW.id_bac ||''' 
> ) ;';
>                                                    EXECUTE new_table;
>                                                    ELSE
>                new_table:= "The table exist already";                         
>                 --Table already exists, do not create table
>                END IF;
>                                                    new_insert := 'INSERT INTO 
> t_dossier_bac_history_sensor_collections VALUES('''
>                                   || NEW.id_dossier_bac_history ||''', '
>                                   || NEW.boo_supprime ||', '''
>                                   || NEW.dat_create ||''','' '
>                                   || NEW.dat_supprime ||''','' '
>                                   || NEW.dat_update ||''', '
>                                   || NEW.num_version ||','' '
>                                   || NEW.dat_date_entree ||''','' '
>                      || NEW.dat_date_sortie ||''','' '
>                                   || NEW.id_bac ||''','' '
>                                   || NEW.id_dossier ||''', '
>                                   || NEW.boo_en_migration ||');';
>                                   --RAISE NOTICE 'Creating Partition:%', 
> NEW.id_dossier_bac_history;
>                                                   EXECUTE new_insert;
>                                                   -- RETURN NULL;
> END;
> INSERT INTO t_dossier_bac_history_insert_table
> SELECT * FROM t_dossier_bac_history;


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