
On Thu, Mar 21, 2024 at 10:53:54AM +0530, Bharath Rupireddy wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 21, 2024 at 9:07 AM Amit Kapila <amit.kapil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > But the issue is that it would make it inconsistent with the new 
> > > > inactivetimeout
> > > > in the subscription that is added in "v12-0005".
> > >
> > > Can you please elaborate what the inconsistency it causes with 
> > > inactivetimeout?
> > >
> > I think the inconsistency can arise from the fact that on publisher
> > one can change the inactive_timeout for the slot corresponding to a
> > subscription but the subscriber won't know, so it will still show the
> > old value.

Yeah, that was what I had in mind.

> > If we want we can document this as a limitation and let
> > users be aware of it. However, I feel at this stage, let's not even
> > expose this from the subscription or maybe we can discuss it once/if
> > we are done with other patches.

I agree, it's important to expose it for things like "failover" but I think we
can get rid of it for the timeout one.

>>  Anyway, if one wants to use this
> > feature with a subscription, she can create a slot first on the
> > publisher with inactive_timeout value and then associate such a slot
> > with a required subscription.


> If we are not exposing it via subscription (meaning, we don't consider
> v13-0004 and v13-0005 patches), I feel we can have a new SQL API
> pg_alter_replication_slot(int inactive_timeout) for now just altering
> the inactive_timeout of a given slot.

Agree, that seems more "natural" that going through a replication connection.

> With this approach, one can do either of the following:
> 1) Create a slot with SQL API with inactive_timeout set, and use it
> for subscriptions or for streaming standbys.


> 2) Create a slot with SQL API without inactive_timeout set, use it for
> subscriptions or for streaming standbys, and set inactive_timeout
> later via pg_alter_replication_slot() depending on how the slot is
> consumed


> 3) Create a subscription with create_slot=true, and set
> inactive_timeout via pg_alter_replication_slot() depending on how the
> slot is consumed.


We could also do the above 3 and altering the timeout with a replication
connection but the SQL API seems more natural to me.

> This approach seems consistent and minimal to start with.
> If we agree on this, I'll drop both 0004 and 0005 that are allowing
> inactive_timeout to be set via replication commands and via
> create/alter subscription respectively, and implement
> pg_alter_replication_slot().

+1 on this.

> FWIW, adding the new SQL API pg_alter_replication_slot() isn't that hard.

Also I think we should ensure that one could "only" alter the timeout property
for the time being (if not that could lead to the subscription inconsistency 
mentioned above).


Bertrand Drouvot
PostgreSQL Contributors Team
RDS Open Source Databases
Amazon Web Services: https://aws.amazon.com

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