On Thu, Mar 28, 2024 at 12:55 PM Masahiko Sawada <sawada.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Pushed the refactoring patch.
> I've attached the rebased vacuum improvement patch for cfbot. I
> mentioned in the commit message that this patch eliminates the 1GB
> limitation.
> I think the patch is in good shape. Do you have other comments or
> suggestions, John?

I'll do another pass tomorrow, but first I wanted to get in another
slightly-challenging in-situ test. On my humble laptop, I can still
fit a table large enough to cause PG16 to choke on multiple rounds of
index cleanup:

drop table if exists test;
create unlogged table test (a int, b uuid) with (autovacuum_enabled=false);

insert into test (a,b) select i, gen_random_uuid() from
generate_series(1,1000*1000*1000) i;

create index on test (a);
create index on test (b);

delete from test;

vacuum (verbose, truncate off, parallel 2) test;

INFO:  vacuuming "john.public.test"
INFO:  launched 1 parallel vacuum worker for index vacuuming (planned: 1)
INFO:  finished vacuuming "john.public.test": index scans: 1
pages: 0 removed, 6369427 remain, 6369427 scanned (100.00% of total)
tuples: 999997174 removed, 2826 remain, 0 are dead but not yet removable
tuples missed: 2826 dead from 18 pages not removed due to cleanup lock
removable cutoff: 771, which was 0 XIDs old when operation ended
new relfrozenxid: 767, which is 4 XIDs ahead of previous value
frozen: 0 pages from table (0.00% of total) had 0 tuples frozen
index scan needed: 6369409 pages from table (100.00% of total) had
999997174 dead item identifiers removed
index "test_a_idx": pages: 2741898 in total, 2741825 newly deleted,
2741825 currently deleted, 0 reusable
index "test_b_idx": pages: 3850387 in total, 3842056 newly deleted,
3842056 currently deleted, 0 reusable
avg read rate: 159.740 MB/s, avg write rate: 161.726 MB/s
buffer usage: 26367981 hits, 14958634 misses, 15144601 dirtied
WAL usage: 3 records, 1 full page images, 2050 bytes
system usage: CPU: user: 151.89 s, system: 193.54 s, elapsed: 731.59 s

Watching pg_stat_progress_vacuum, dead_tuple_bytes got up to 398458880.

About the "tuples missed" -- I didn't expect contention during this
test. I believe that's completely unrelated behavior, but wanted to
mention it anyway, since I found it confusing.

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