Note that, in the patch as posted, the column names are not
translatable.  In order to be translatable, the code needs to do
something like

                "  NULL AS \"%s\",\n"
                "  NULL AS \"%s\",\n"
                "  NULL AS \"%s\",\n"
                "  NULL AS \"%s\",\n",
                _("SSL Connection"),
                _("SSL Protocol"),
                _("SSL Cipher"),
                _("SSL Compression"));

instead of

                         "  NULL AS \"SSL Connection\",\n"
                         "  NULL AS \"SSL Protocol\",\n"
                         "  NULL AS \"SSL Cipher\",\n"
                         "  NULL AS \"SSL Compression\",\n");

Please list me as reviewer for this patch, as I provided significant
guidance before it was even posted.




Yes Álvaro, I have already appointed you as the patch reviewer.
It's true, even before publishing it on Commifest, you have
already provided good ideas and guidance.

I adjusted the translation syntax for the SSL and GSSAPI columns.
After your validation, that is, an okay confirmation that it's fine, I'll
proceed with the others.


[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./psql -x -p 5000 -h
psql (17devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "" 
at port "5000".
postgres=# \conninfo+
Current Connection Information
-[ RECORD 1 ]----------------+----------
Database                     | postgres
Authenticated User           | postgres
Socket Directory             |
Host                         |
Server Port                  | 5000
Server Address               |
Client Address               |
Client Port                  | 52966
Backend PID                  | 1693
System User                  |
Current User                 | postgres
Session User                 | postgres
Application Name             | psql
SSL Connection               | f
SSL Protocol                 |
SSL Cipher                   |
SSL Compression              |
GSSAPI Authenticated         | f
GSSAPI Principal             |
GSSAPI Encrypted             | f
GSSAPI Credentials Delegated | f

Maiquel Grassi.

Attachment: v23-0001-psql-meta-command-conninfo-plus.patch
Description: v23-0001-psql-meta-command-conninfo-plus.patch

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