Dear PostgreSQL Hackers,

I am submitting a patch to modify pg_ctl to detect the presence of a geek
user on the system and adapt its behavior accordingly. This patch
introduces the following changes:


   *Detection of geek user*: The modified pg_ctl now checks user created on
   the computer.

   *No documentation or tests*: Please note that I have not included new
   documentation or tests in this patch submission. However, I am open to
   adding them based on the community's feedback.

   *Performance impact*: The performance impact of these changes is
   minimal, with an expected delay of 500ms in specific scenarios only.

Please review the patch and provide your feedback. I am open to making any
necessary improvements based on the community's suggestions.

Thank you for considering my contribution.

Best regards,

Attachment: 0001-Geek-detection.patch
Description: Binary data

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