Hello Amit,

04.04.2024 15:02, Amit Langote wrote:
Pushed after fixing these and a few other issues.  I didn't include
the testing function you proposed in your other email.  It sounds
useful for testing locally but will need some work before we can
include it in the tree.

I'll post the rebased 0002 tomorrow after addressing your comments.

Please look at an assertion failure:
TRAP: failed Assert("count <= tupdesc->natts"), File: "parse_relation.c", Line: 
3048, PID: 1325146

triggered by the following query:
SELECT * FROM JSON_TABLE('0', '$' COLUMNS (js int PATH '$')),
  COALESCE(row(1)) AS (a int, b int);

Without JSON_TABLE() I get:
ERROR:  function return row and query-specified return row do not match
DETAIL:  Returned row contains 1 attribute, but query expects 2.

Best regards,

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