Robert Haas <> writes:
> I want to go on record right now as disagreeing with the plan proposed
> in the commit message for the revert commit, namely, committing this
> again early in the v18 cycle. I don't think Tom would have proposed
> reverting this feature unless he believed that it had more serious
> problems than could be easily fixed in a short period of time. I think
> that concern is well-founded, given the number of fixes that were
> committed. It seems likely that the patch needs significant rework and
> stabilization before it gets committed again, and I think it shouldn't
> be committed again without explicit agreement from Tom or one of the
> other committers who have significant experience with the query
> planner.

FWIW I accept some of the blame here, for not having paid any
attention to the SJE work earlier.  I had other things on my mind
for most of last year, and not enough bandwidth to help.

The main thing I'd like to understand before we try this again is
why SJE needed so much new query-tree-manipulation infrastructure.
I would have expected it to be very similar to the left-join
elimination we do already, and therefore to mostly just share the
existing infrastructure.  (I also harbor suspicions that some of
the new code existed just because someone didn't research what
was already there --- for instance, the now-removed replace_varno
sure looks like ChangeVarNodes should have been used instead.)

Another thing that made me pretty sad was 8c441c082 (Forbid SJE with
result relation).  While I don't claim that that destroyed the entire
use case for SJE, it certainly knocked its usefulness down by many
notches, maybe even to the point where it's not worth putting in the
effort needed to get it to re-committability.  So I think we need to
look harder at finding a way around that.  Is the concern that
RETURNING should return either old or new values depending on which
RTE is mentioned?  If so, maybe the feature Dean has proposed to
allow RETURNING to access old values [1] is a prerequisite to moving
forward.  Alternatively, perhaps it'd be good enough to forbid SJE
only when the non-target relation is actually mentioned in RETURNING.

                        regards, tom lane


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