On Wed, May 1, 2024 at 10:03 PM David Rowley <dgrowle...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here are some of the problems that I know about:
> 1. Autovacuum has exactly zero forward vision and operates reactively
> rather than proactively.  This "blind operating" causes tables to
> either not need vacuumed or suddenly need vacuumed without any
> consideration of how busy autovacuum is at that current moment.
> 2. There is no prioritisation for the order in which tables are autovacuumed.
> 3. With the default scale factor, the larger a table becomes, the more
> infrequent the autovacuums.
> 4. Autovacuum is more likely to trigger when the system is busy
> because more transaction IDs are being consumed and there is more DML
> occurring. This results in autovacuum having less work to do during
> quiet periods when there are more free resources to be doing the
> vacuum work.

I agree with all of these points. For a while now, I've been thinking
that we really needed a prioritization scheme, so that we don't waste
our time on low-priority tasks when there are high-priority tasks that
need to be completed. But lately I've started to think that what
matters most is the rate at which autovacuum work is happening
overall. I feel like prioritization is mostly going to matter when
we're not keeping up, and I think the primary goal should be to keep
up. I think we could use the same data to make both decisions -- if
autovacuum were proactive rather than reactive, that would mean that
we know something about what is going to happen in the future, and I
think that data could be used both to decide whether we're keeping up,
and also to prioritize. But if I had to pick a first target, I'd
forget about trying to make things happen in the right order and just
try to make sure we get all the things done.

> I think we need at least 1a) before we can give autovacuum more work
> to do, especially if we do something like multiply its workload by
> 1024x, per your comment above.

I guess I view it differently. It seems to me that right now, we're
not vacuuming large tables often enough. We should fix that,
independently of anything else. If the result is that small and medium
sized tables get vacuumed less often, then that just means there were
never enough resources to go around in the first place. We haven't
taken a system that was working fine and broken it: we've just moved
the problem from one category of tables (the big ones) to a different
category of tables. If the user wants to solve that problem, they need
to bump up the cost limit or add hardware. I don't see that we have
any particular reason to believe such users will be worse off on
average than they are today. On the other hand, users who do have a
sufficiently high cost limit and enough hardware will be better off,
because we'll start doing all the vacuuming work that needs to be done
instead of only some of it.

Now, if we start vacuuming any class of table whatsoever 1024x as
often as we do today, we are going to lose. But that would still be
true even if we did everything on your list. Large tables need to be
vacuumed more frequently than we now do, but not THAT much more
frequently. Any system that produces that result is just using a wrong
algorithm, or wrong constants, or something. Even if all the necessary
resources are available, nobody is going to thank us for vacuuming
gigantic tables in a tight loop. The problem with such a large
increase is not that we don't have prioritization, but that such a
large increase is fundamentally the wrong thing to do. On the other
hand, I think a more modest increase is the right thing to do, and I
think it's the right thing to do whether we have prioritization or

Robert Haas
EDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

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