On 07/06/2018 11:57 AM, Andres Freund wrote:
On 2018-07-06 14:49:53 -0400, Robert Haas wrote:
I think we also have to ask ourselves in general whether snapshots of
this data are worth what they cost.  I don't think anyone would doubt
that a consistent snapshot of the data is better than an inconsistent
view of the data if the costs were equal.  However, if we can avoid a
huge amount of memory usage and complexity on large systems with
hundreds of backends by ditching the snapshot requirement, then we
should ask ourselves how important we think the snapshot behavior
really is.
Indeed. I don't think it's worthwhile major additional memory or code
complexity in this situation. The likelihood of benefitting from more /
better stats seems far higher than a more accurate view of the stats -
which aren't particularly accurate themselves. They don't even survive
crashes right now, so I don't think the current accuracy is very high.

Will stats, if we move toward the suggested changes be "less" accurate than they are now? We already know that stats are generally not accurate but they are close enough. If we move toward this change will it still be close enough?



Andres Freund

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