On 31/07/18 23:06, Andrey Borodin wrote:
On a typical GiST index, what's the ratio of leaf vs. internal
pages? Perhaps an array would indeed be better.
Typical GiST has around 200 tuples per internal page. I've switched
to List since it's more efficient than bitmap.

Hmm. A ListCell is 16 bytes, plus the AllocChunk header, 16 bytes. 32
bytes per internal page in total, while a bitmap consumes one bit per page, leaf or internal. If I'm doing
my math right, assuming the ratio of leaf pages vs internal pages is
1:200, a List actually consumes more memory than a bitmap; 256 bits per
internal page, vs. 200 bits. An array, with 4 bytes per block number,
would be the winner here.

But I have to note that default growth strategy of Bitmap is not good: we will be repallocing byte by byte.

True, that repallocing seems bad. You could force it to be pre-allocated
by setting the last bit. Or add a function to explicitly enlarge the bitmap.

- Heikki

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