The following review has been posted through the commitfest application:
make installcheck-world:  tested, failed
Implements feature:       tested, passed
Spec compliant:           not tested
Documentation:            tested, passed


I'm with Melanie Plageman running the SVPUG Patch Review Meetup. I tested this 
feature on my Mac. The patch applied cleanly on master, and the feature worked 
as expected with the SQL at the bottom of this email (Jesse Zhang suggested the 
two-level partitioning). installcheck passed but installcheck-world did not.

I do have a feedback on the implementation. The code tries to support older 
PostgreSQL server versions when declarative partitions were not supported 
before version 10 (relkind value of 'p'). Those versions will never return any 
result from the query being built. So I would suggest an early return from the 
function. The upside would be that the query building would be simpler. I can 
make patch implementing that suggestion if you want.

-- Mathias Brossard

CREATE TABLE partition (
    part  int not null,
    value int not null

CREATE TABLE partition_0 PARTITION OF partition FOR VALUES FROM (0) TO (10);
CREATE TABLE partition_1 PARTITION OF partition FOR VALUES FROM (10) TO (20);
CREATE TABLE partition_2 PARTITION OF partition FOR VALUES FROM (20) TO (30);
CREATE TABLE partition_3 PARTITION OF partition FOR VALUES FROM (30) TO (40);
CREATE TABLE partition_4 PARTITION OF partition FOR VALUES FROM (40) TO (50);
CREATE TABLE partition_5 PARTITION OF partition FOR VALUES FROM (50) TO (60);
CREATE TABLE partition_6 PARTITION OF partition FOR VALUES FROM (60) TO (70);
CREATE TABLE partition_7 PARTITION OF partition FOR VALUES FROM (70) TO (80);
CREATE TABLE partition_8 PARTITION OF partition FOR VALUES FROM (80) TO (90);
CREATE TABLE partition_9 (
    part  int not null,
    value int not null

CREATE TABLE partition_9a PARTITION OF partition_9 FOR VALUES FROM (90) TO (95);
CREATE TABLE partition_9b PARTITION OF partition_9 FOR VALUES FROM (95) TO 

INSERT INTO partition SELECT i % 100 AS part, i AS value FROM 
generate_series(1, 1000000) AS i;

-- Below is the resulting output

test=# \dt+
                         List of relations
 Schema |     Name     | Type  |   Owner   |  Size   | Description
 public | partition    | table | mbrossard | 0 bytes |
 public | partition_0  | table | mbrossard | 3568 kB |
 public | partition_1  | table | mbrossard | 3568 kB |
 public | partition_2  | table | mbrossard | 3568 kB |
 public | partition_3  | table | mbrossard | 3568 kB |
 public | partition_4  | table | mbrossard | 3568 kB |
 public | partition_5  | table | mbrossard | 3568 kB |
 public | partition_6  | table | mbrossard | 3568 kB |
 public | partition_7  | table | mbrossard | 3568 kB |
 public | partition_8  | table | mbrossard | 3568 kB |
 public | partition_9  | table | mbrossard | 0 bytes |
 public | partition_9a | table | mbrossard | 1800 kB |
 public | partition_9b | table | mbrossard | 1800 kB |
(13 rows)

test=# \dP+
                List of partitioned tables
 Schema |    Name     |   Owner   |  Size   | Description
 public | partition   | mbrossard | 35 MB   |
 public | partition_9 | mbrossard | 3600 kB |
(2 rows)

test=# \dP+ *9
                List of partitioned tables
 Schema |    Name     |   Owner   |  Size   | Description
 public | partition_9 | mbrossard | 3600 kB |
(1 row)

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