On 2018-Aug-19, Hongyuan Ma wrote:

> Hello monters and hackers,

Is that "monsters" or "mentors"?

> 2. Implementation of the data report related to the list page. Compare each
> metrics whith the previous results. If any of the metrics are a 5%
> improvement( or regression),  there is one aspect that is progressive (or
> regressive). This means there may be aspects of "improvement", "regression"
> and "status quo" in one test result.This is the report List page for an
> example:

Great stuff!

I think the visualization that many had in mind was that the numbers
would be displayed in charts there time is the horizontal axis, and the
numerical performance result number is the other axis.   That way, we
can see how the results go up or down with commits.

Individual happy/sad faces for individual commits are not enough to see
the bigger picture.

Álvaro Herrera                https://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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